The harmful effects of THC (the psychotropic substance of marijuana) on both mental and physical health have been widely known to specialists and have been scientifically proven for years. Therefore, is controlled distribution really necessary and are the arguments put forward really relevant?
In Switzerland, we have the Federal Law on Narcotics which sets out the broad outlines of the policy to be pursued by the Confederation and the cantons. These are the four pillars: a) prevention, b) therapy and reintegration, c) risk reduction and survival support, and d) repression. This law follows obvious logic.
The definition of the word prevention is: seeing a danger coming and taking the necessary measures to avoid it. Pillars b), c) and d) are only necessary for those who have been made to believe that drug use is a solution or fun without consequences; and for those who make it a criminal activity in order to enrich themselves or destroy a society.
Parents, teachers, educators, the vast majority of doctors and even specialists in drug problems say that there is not enough prevention in Switzerland. Why is there no real prevention in schools, apart from a few exceptions? However, it would be simple to introduce this subject into biology lessons, for example. This would not overburden the programs and would not require additional budget.
Our association Say No to Drugs recently gave lectures in schools to students aged 12 to 18. The feedback from these students shows that they appreciate the clear and factual information that we present, allowing them to understand the subject. From there, the choice is in their hands. At the end of the conferences, most say they do not want to take drugs or want to stop using them. Hence less risk of road accidents, physical and mental health problems, family and social tragedies.
Why seek complex solutions rather than applying the law?
Contact: Association Say No to Drugs / Association Dites Non à la Drogue Case postale 21 1213 Petit-Lancy – Genève
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