Overview of the EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025


Here after the priority points of the EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025, as described in the Official Journal of the European Union C 102 I, Information and Notices, Volume 64, 24 March 2021.
For the full text refer to:

Drug supply reduction includes the prevention of, dissuasion from and disruption of drug-related crime, in particular organised crime, through judicial and law enforcement cooperation, intelligence, interdiction, confiscation of criminal assets, investigations and border management.

Strategic priority 1: Disrupt and dismantle high-risk drug-related organised crime groups operating in, originating in or targeting the EU Member States; address links with other security threats and improve crime prevention

Strategic priority 2: Increase the detection of illicit wholesale trafficking of drugs and drug precursors at EU points of entry and exit

Strategic priority 3: Tackle the exploitation of logistical and digital channels for medium- and small-volume illicit drug distribution and increase seizures of illicit substances smuggled through these channels in close cooperation with the private sector

Strategic priority 4: Dismantle illicit drug production and counter illicit cultivation; prevent the diversion and trafficking of drug precursors for illicit drug production; and address environmental damage

II. DRUG DEMAND REDUCTION: PREVENTION, TREATMENT AND CARE SERVICES                                                                                                            Drug demand reduction consists of a range of equally important and mutually reinforcing measures, including prevention (environmental, universal, selective and indicated), early detection and intervention, counselling, treatment, rehabilitation, social reintegration and recovery

Strategic priority 5: Prevent drug use and raise awareness of the adverse effects of drugs

Strategic priority 6: Ensure access to and strengthen treatment and care services

III. ADDRESSING DRUG-RELATED HARM                                                               The use of drugs may cause health and social harm to users but also to their family and the wider community. This chapter therefore focuses on measures and policies that prevent or reduce the possible health and social risks and harm for users, for society and in prison settings. National needs and national legislation must be taken into account when implementing these measures and policies.

Strategic priority 7: Risk-and harm-reduction interventions and other measures to protect and support people who use drugs

Strategic priority 8: Address the health and social needs of people who use drugs in prison settings and after release


Strategic priority 9: Strengthening international cooperation with third countries, regions, international and regional organisations, and at multilateral level to pursue the approach and objectives of the Strategy, including in the field of development. Enhancing the role of the EU as a global broker for a people-centred and human rights-oriented drug policy


Strategic priority 10: Building synergies to provide the EU and its Member States with the comprehensive research evidence base and foresight capacities necessary to enable a more effective, innovative and agile approach to the growing complexity of the drugs phenomenon, and to increase the preparedness of the EU and its Member States to respond to future challenges and crises


Strategic priority 11: Ensuring optimal implementation of the Strategy and of the Action Plan, coordination by default of all stakeholders and the provision of adequate resources at EU and national levels

1. On the basis of the Strategy the EU Action Plan on Drugs 2021-2025 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Action Plan’) will provide a list of actions

2. The implementation of the Strategy and of the Action Plan should facilitate synergies and consistency between policies on drugs at EU and national level.

3. The Commission, taking into account information provided by the Member States and the EEAS, and available from the EMCDDA, Europol, other relevant EU institutions and bodies and civil society, is requested to initiate an overall external evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy and of the Action Plan.

4. Appropriate and targeted resources should be allocated for the implementation of the objectives of this Strategy at both EU and national level.

5. Following the evaluation of the EMCDDA, the Commission is invited to present a proposal to revise the mandate of the EMCDDA as soon as possible, to ensure that the agency plays a stronger part in addressing the current and future challenges of the drug phenomenon.

6. Coordinationplays a crucial role in the efficiency of EU drug policy and of its implementation, especially given the cross-cutting nature of this field.

7. In the Council of the EU, the HDG, as the main coordinating body on drug policy, should be kept informed of possible work linked to drugs issues, carried out by other preparatory bodies of the Council,…

8. Coordination and synergies should be sought between the drug policy and the other policies, including in the security and health areas.

9. Externally, the EU and its Member States should promote the approach and objectives of the Strategy with one voice.

10. The meaningful participation and involvement of civil society, including the Civil Society Forum on Drugs, should be ensured in the development and implementation of drug policies, at national, EU and international levels.


Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe was formed in March 2004 with the firm purpose of preventing and stopping debilitating drug use through educating non-users concerning the harmful effects that drugs can inflict upon the body, mind and personality, and by finding and directing existing users to programmes that can help them achieve comfortable abstinence for life.

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