Say No To Drugs BELGIUM January-May 2017


Say NO To Drugs Be is a Belgian association which is doing drug prevention. It brings to youngsters and adults factual information about drugs, so they can decide themselves to live a drug-free life. It does prevention throughout the different tools, which are furnished by the Foundation for a Drug Free World – such as information booklets, DVD, guide for educators, etc.

Every week Say No To Drugs Be is organizing activities to educate youngsters and adults on the subject. These activities consist in: placing an information booth on a crowded place or festival, distributing the information booklets “The Truth about Drugs” to shopkeepers, giving lectures or workshops, etc.

From January 2017 until beginning of May 2017 it distributed about 41.000 information booklets in Brussels, the Flanders or the Walloon region. Also throughout media the association is educating the public. At the occasion of World Health Day 2017 it participated to four radio shows and one online TV.

It is clear that prevention is indispensable today, therefore the association uses the short but concise slogan Inform youngsters, before dealers do” and of course everyone who has the same purpose, is more than welcome to become member of the association!

Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe was formed in March 2004 with the firm purpose of preventing and stopping debilitating drug use through educating non-users concerning the harmful effects that drugs can inflict upon the body, mind and personality, and by finding and directing existing users to programmes that can help them achieve comfortable abstinence for life.

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