The FDFE Representative attended another event at the UNODC during the 26th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. This was: The Alliance Promoting Awareness of Human Trafficking Among Flight Crew, organized by Airline Ambassadors International, UNODC Division for Policy Analysis, UNODC office in Columbia, Human Trafficking Investigations and Training Institute, NGO Committee on the Status of Women Vienna and Youth for Human Rights International.
The panelists wanted to raise the awareness on human traffickers using airlines with their victims and to have the flight crew, air agents, customs and police, trained to spot any outpoints among the passengers and legally be allowed to intervene. They presented ways to detect signs of human trafficking and how to react appropriately to prevent serious crimes from happening. They also elaborated on how similar programs could be implemented throughout other UN Member States and within a larger global alliance. Was also promoted the Blue Heart campaign.