On April 2021, the French institution MILDECA (Interdepartmental Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Behaviours), based on the National Addictions Mobilization Plan 2018 – 2022, launched a Call for projects 2021 «Fight against drugs and addictive behaviours». Once again this year, MILDECA activities is focusing on four areas:
1. Preventing and reducing addictions among young people (improving knowledge of addictive phenomena, delaying the onset of use and reducing the level of use,…)
2. Reduce alcoholism, whether festive or daily;
3. Protect vulnerable audiences;
4. Structure the fight against non-substance related addictions (including screens).
The ten French Say No To Drugs associations and groups localised in most of the regions have hugely expended their drug information activities at population level thus complying with the points 1 to 4 of the Plan.
Every week the volunteers are on the ground, distributing their booklets The Truth About Drugs either by handing them out or holding an informative booth, or getting the support of the shopkeepers for their clients. Many are doing also lectures online and radio interviews.
This way, in April they distributed some 26,055 booklets, got the support of no less than 114 shopkeepers. It even happens that some people, artist and students, are joining the team to reach more youth, parents and public.
An interesting point is the appreciation the volunteers are receiving from too many distraught parents and teachers seeking for materials available to educate their youth on this sensible subject.
Indeed, the volunteers are proposing the 14 booklets The Truth About Drugs, cornerstone of the drug prevention campaign, supplemented by an Educator Guide and a DVD with Testimonies for any interested teacher.
As was saying a UNODC Executive Director: “When we are talkling about the lives and futures of the next generation, prevention is truly better than cure”.
Read and find more on: www.nonaladrogue.org contact@nonaladrogue.org
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