The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987 decided to make the 26 June as the United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. To celebrate this day, the Say No To Drugs (Sag Nein Zu Drogen) Team of Vienna set up their turquoise booth on the famous Praterstern, close to the Prater and the Tiensenrad.
In their beautiful tent a team of six volunteers of the association was presenting the drug prevention education materials to the public, parents and youth. In addition they were proposing to the children (anyone in fact) to express themselves on the drug subject through a free painting on the street (that the kids love a lot), to sign the pledges as well as the parents and adults. All then were very happy to receive their Certificate.
The volunteers got many acknowledgements from the public for their action to the point that some passers-by enthusiastic asked to help them to distribute more educative booklets.
As a result, more than 1000 booklets The Truth About Drugs were handed out this day, including also a visit to the police station who appreciated their drug prevention action.