Celebration of the 2014 International Day Against Drug Abuses and Illicit Trafficking


Because drugs are everywhere and because youth is the first target for dealers !

Brussels.- The General Assembly of the United Nations decided in 1987 to respond to the scourge of drugs. An International Day against Drug Abuses and Illicit Trafficking  has been established at the date of June 26. This day of action promoted by the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) is intended to raise awareness of the risks involved in the consumption of these substances.

The members of the national associations “Say No To Drugs” joined on Wednesday 25th June a Conference-debate for the 2nd European Meeting on Drug and Prevention organized in the center of Brussels with speakers coming from European countries such as Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Each speakers presented the drug situation in their country as well as their prevention activities yet being the best solution.

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Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe was formed in March 2004 with the firm purpose of preventing and stopping debilitating drug use through educating non-users concerning the harmful effects that drugs can inflict upon the body, mind and personality, and by finding and directing existing users to programmes that can help them achieve comfortable abstinence for life.

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