Austria: Vienna in July


On Friday 23rd of July the Sag NEIN zu Drogen (Say No To Drugs – SNTD) Team held their booth in the famous and popular Simmering district.

They had many visitors, such as:
-a woman addicted for 15 years and currently clean since 8 years who came to the booth and wanted to subscribe against drugs. Indeed, she could really understand the danger of drug use and she was excited about the volunteers doing this drug education on the street.
-other people requested to have also such drug informative events done in residential buildings area.
-a bishop from the Syrian Orthodox Church was very interested in the drug prevention materials for his church.
-a jurist from a police department said that in the city council there are a lot of associations, but is missing an association doing good drug education.
-a volunteer of the SNTD team had a long conversation with an addicted person currently on substitutes who was very excited to meet the Team and doing this drug education, because he knows what drugs are doing. He took all the materials to show them to his children and also wants to make a presentation in the school of his children with these materials.
-also, two people from an association doing drug education with the homeless persons took our materials.

And, as usual, the team got a lot of successes with youngsters and children painting and signing the pledges. And it is so nice to see, when they are so proud about it.

In addition to booklets, a special wristband was given to children and young people, but also adults liked to have one!

As a matter of fact, drug addicts are very aware about how important it is to make this drug education through The Truth About Drugs materials.

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Thank you for reading!

Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe was formed in March 2004 with the firm purpose of preventing and stopping debilitating drug use through educating non-users concerning the harmful effects that drugs can inflict upon the body, mind and personality, and by finding and directing existing users to programmes that can help them achieve comfortable abstinence for life.

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