The Say No To Drugs team of Madrid was invited to participate to the Second World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace (5-8 November 2018) . They delivered a lecture on drug prevention as a tool for reducing the violence and generating peace in the cities. The audience very interested by the subject, was composed of no less than 40 people coming from all ways of life, citizens, parents, officials and representatives of the civil society.
Drugs are more than just another social problem and now, the greatest toll is on young people. This Forum was a great opportunity for the lecturer to show to the public that the ignorance about what is a drug and how harmful drugs are, contributes to endanger the life not only of the individuals but also has repercussion on the relatives. In addition, the drug problem is a factor increasing the violence in the society.
All the attendees received an informative booklet “The Truth About Drugs” providing factual data on the ten most used drugs. Prevent is better than cure !