World Federation Against Drugs (WFAD) will participate in a high-level meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 3, 2014. The International President, Sven-Olov Carlson, will be the central figure at the high-level meeting at the Barceló University on drug prevention, treatment and enforcement, leading professionals from Argentina, Brazil and several other South American countries will also participate.
A round table will open the event where the region’s main problems regarding drugs and their possible solutions will be presented. Among the speakers will be Professor Mina Seinfeld de Carakushansky, WFAD Board member and President of BRAHA – Brazilian Humanitarians in Action; Calvina Fay, Executive Director of DFAF – Drug Free America Foundation; Jorge Jaber, President of ABRAD – Brazilian Association on Alcohol and Drugs; Jorge Gentile, renown Argentinean Judge and author; Neuza Amaral, Drug Prevention Secretary of Volta Redonda, Brazil; as well as the local Coordinators of the event including Juan Alberto Yaria, Director of Gradiva and Roberto Baiestrocchi of Barceló University; Claudio and Luis Viale from Mariten Foundation; and Diana Gomez, in addition to many other high representatives from universities, religious, political, social and family associations.
For more information contact WFAD board member Mina Seinfeld de Carakushansky.