Our colleagues from the Japan association for drug use prevention, located in Tokyo, are very active and since the beginning of the year 2021 they have organized different lectures in schools thanks to the kind support of some officials. These educative lectures were very well appreciated by the children and youth but also by their professors.
Their auditoire ranges from 55 students, very attentive to the data provided on what drugs are and their harmul effects, to some 140 children attending from their classroom a video’ed lecture. Following strictly the pandemic sanitary regulations they could continue to deliver key information to the youth very interested by this timely vital and important issue.
According the feedbacks gotten from students and reports from the professors, the success of these lectures is based on the factual data presented but also on the quality of the speaker able to organize a short play to give reality on how to practically behave when contacted by a dealer or facing the peer pressure when they are proposed to “try” a drug or find “how good” this is. This initiative was, according the youth reports, greatly appreciated.
Regarding the general drug situation through these lectures, the volunteers of the association are taking very seriously the protection of the youth from drug use in the respect of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances which together with the 1988 Convention constitute the cornerstone of the international drug control system.
Thank you for attention
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