FDFE participated to the conference held in Brussels at the Borschette Centre on the 26th and 27th of January 2006 organized by DG for Freedom, Security and Justice of the European Commission.
Announced by the Commission as “Joining Forces with Civil Society and NGOs”, the conference gathered representatives not only of European NGO networks and voluntary organisations in 16 Member States, 4 Accession and Candidate Countries, and Norway.
The conference was opened by Mr. Franco Frattini, Vice President of the European Commission, followed by a speech by Mr. Jonathan Faull, European Commission, Director General, DG Justice, Freedom and Security. It was a forum to discuss ways of improving communication with civil society on drug issues at EU level. The voluntary sector in Europe plays an important part in the drugs field, working at regional and local level delivering services mainly in the area of demand reduction, including education and prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Read more: FDFE Read Position Paper Position Paper on the Conference