Since January 2018 the Say No To Drug Team of Czech Republic held regularly lectures in the schools and distributions in different cities informing students of various levels and public on the danger related with drug consumption. The team, composed of volunteers with some being specialized in lecturing, did the following:
-Brno, in the City Center, a distribution was done and an old lady came to congratulate the team for their drug prevention action (1000 booklets – 26 January 2018)
-Prague 4, in a school, lecture to 26 children asking many questions (80 booklets – 07 March)
-Pilsen, Centrum, distribution, people asking to have several booklets to bring with them (1000 booklets – 09 March)
-Prague 12, in a school, lecture to 20 children who appreciated the data received (80 booklets -14 March)
-Prague, in another school, 2 lectures to 56 children, gave the opportunity of correcting many false data (200 booklets – 16 March)
-Prague 5, another school, 3 lectures to 154 children very interactive (240 booklets – 20 March)
-Hradec Kralove, school, 2 lectures to 71 children very attentive (120 booklets -22 March)
-Prague, distribution, questions from public were answered (550 booklets – 22 March)
-Prague 5, in a school, lecture to 53 children with great discussions (200 booklets – 22 March)
-Prague 5, in a school, lecture to 44 children, nice realisations (200 booklets – 26 March)
-Prague 8, in a school, 3 lectures to 79 children, many questions (250 booklets – 27 March)