What was done to inform the youth and the public at large on the harmful effects of drugs and to celebrate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking since the 26 June 1989?
This action is made in addition to the usual distribution. The informative and educative materials distributed were the booklets from the series The Truth About Drugs.
Here after the drug awareness campaign made across Europe in the frame of the 26 June and to support the UNODC 3 International Drug Control Conventions: Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.
-Belgium: a 3 days bike tour Sport vs.Drugs with 32 volunteers and met 2 Mayors/ 3 Aldermen, 3 National Newspapers reported about, 2 TVs and 4 Radios were done, 1 lecture given and 303 shops visited and 23 358 booklets were distributed and 8750 flyers, 2 information booths were set-up ;
-Bulgaria (Sofia): started a new drug prevention group to inform the public and they distributed 700 booklets;
-Czech Republic: the annual Cyclo-Run of 1 146 Kms in 10 days through 39 cities, supported by many Artists and Athletes, Senators and Mayors, Police Officers, and more. They delivered 234 lectures to 8 117 children in 57 schools of 30 towns. They distributed 70 910 booklets and 20 000 flyers and got 13 TVs and 4 radio reports, 51 printed articles and 66 Internet articles, reaching 4 million people !
-France: 8 cities, 10 400 booklets distributed, 343 shops visited and stand in a Salon. The Anti-drug responsable France had been invited to present our anti-drug campaign in Kinshasa (RDC);
-Germany: 75 volunteers in 7 cities, 54 700 booklets distributed and no less than 1074 shops displayed the volunteers’ materials for their clients;
-Greece: in Athens (Sintagma and Pereaus) 9 active volunteers distributed some 3 400 drug educative booklets to the passers-by;
-Ireland: launched a Do Art, Not Drugs comic art competition campaign to design the new Drug Free Superheroe;
-Italy: Dico No Alla Droga organized the 2nd Moto Raduno: a Motorbike Rally around the beautiful Iseo Lake (Lombardy), and continued with a team participating to the GT Light Race Italy 2019;
-Spain: did a huge distribution of 40 344 booklets in 18 cities across the entire country;
-Switzerland (Geneva): reported some 66 186 booklets distributed by 44 volunteers and 600 shops welcomed the distributors;
-United Kingdom (London): 8 volunteers went across the city to distribute 4 577 booklets and visited more than 135 shops and pubs who accepted to relay our materials. In addition, 5 volunteers went in Thornton Heath where a knife crime had just been committed, to distribute to the inhabitants 3 200 booklets and they visited 35 shops.