26 June in Austria


To celebrate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Say No To Drugs Team held their drug education booth ‘Sag Nein Zu Drogen’ in Vienna, at the Milllennium City, a train station and shopping center, near the Donauinsel (Danube Island). Also on this weekend was the Donauinselfest (Danube Island Festival). It’s a big festival in Vienna over the whole Danube Island with a lot of artists. Many people came to this festival by train and arrived at this station, where we were standing with the tent.

Again they had the painting action on the street with a lot of fun for children and youth. Children have gotten a certificate for promising to be drug-free and help others to do so. Also we gave the wristbands with the inscription ‘Say No to Drugs – Say Yes to Life’ to them.

With 8 volunteers the Team did a lot of action and distributed 800 booklets and the board with the pledge to be an Ambassador for a drug free life was full of signatures: 40 signatures were collected.

They got a lot of good conversations, for example with an educator, who wants them to give workshops in her school. She was very happy, that she could find us with such educative materials.
Two persons who asked for help were given a contact to Narconon.
One young lady was very interested in what we are doing and acknowledged us.
The Team got a lot of acknowledgements from the passers-by.                                             More on: www.sag-nein-zu-drogen.org ;

Thank you for interest !

Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe was formed in March 2004 with the firm purpose of preventing and stopping debilitating drug use through educating non-users concerning the harmful effects that drugs can inflict upon the body, mind and personality, and by finding and directing existing users to programmes that can help them achieve comfortable abstinence for life.

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